Cardiologia Intervencionista

ScitechInsuflator Kit

It is an insufflation device designed to create a hydrostatic pressure from the compression of liquid inside. Compression occurs through threading of the handle piston. The syringe has a marking for checking the volume and a pressure gauge for checking the system pressure.


Product Description

It is an insufflation device designed to create a hydrostatic pressure from the compression of liquid inside. Compression occurs through threading of the handle piston. The syringe has a marking for checking the volume and a pressure gauge for checking the system pressure.

Instructions for use

The Scitech Insufflator Kit is recommended for use throughout the procedure of balloon angioplasty, to inflate, deflate and measure the pressure of the balloon, preventing its rupture and dissection of the vessel.

Size Table

Code Description
112463 Seringa Insufladora R30 + Kit Scitech