

Embosoft microspheres are made of Polifit 70® for easy injection, providing a more distal embolization, for a safer and more effective vascular occlusion.



Unique Material: Polifit 70®

Embosoft microspheres are composed of exclusive Polifit 70® material developed by Scitech, which guarantees a well-defined spherical shape and a high level of compressibility.

Bench tests demonstrated the capacity to reduce its size by up to 37% without compromising the integrity on its return to the original spherical shape, demonstrating high resistance to deformation, high resistance to fragmentation and high viscoelasticity.



Available Sizes

Embosoft microspheres are available in 5 different size ranges, identified by color.




Microcatheter Compatibility

Scitech produces the Sneak microcatheter, compatible with Embosoft microspheres as well other microcatheters shown in the table below:

Dilution and Suspension

The process of diluting the microspheres with contrast medium is essential. The weight of the microsphere needs to be balance with the buoyancy of the solution to guaranteeing the ideal suspension. Some care must be taken to ensure perfect dilution and suspension, which are:

  • Do not pour the microspheres into vases or non-sterile and pyrogenic containers.
  • Do not use excessive force to draw/inject the Embosoft/contrast solution into the injection syringe.


Scitech recommends the use of 1ml or 5ml syringes to reduce the injection force at the time of the procedure. Again, for the transfer from the 20ml syringe to the injection syringe, it is recommended not to use non-sterile, pyrogenic vats or containers. Inject the Embosoft/contrast medium solution through an injection syringe slowly and gently using luer-lock 3-way stopcock.

The injection should be done in small proportions to ensure that the microspheres line up through the lumen of the microcatheter and to reduce the risk of clogging.


Due to the characteristics of Embosoft microspheres, a more distal and selective embolization as possible.

Main Characteristics

Polifit-70® exclusive material with compression ratio (37% without rupture).

Lower risk of microcatheter obstruction / Non aggregating properties.

Safe and more effective vessel closure.

More distal embolization.

Easy injection.

Ordering Information

Code Description Plunger color
128288 Embosoft Microspheres 100-300 µm 2 mL Yellow
128289 Embosoft Microspheres 300-500 µm 2 mL Blue
128290 Embosoft Microspheres 500-700 µm 2 mL Red
128291 Embosoft Microspheres 700-900 µm 2 mL Green
128292 Embosoft Microspheres 900-1100 µm 2 mL Purple